It appears that the Kitchen tutorial, as described by this post on Google,
assumes that you have both the Fortran and C/C++ compilers installed as I
do. Check out the last three posts. The tutorial requires plbx3r.lib which
is only included with the C/C++ installation. Maybe we should fix this. It
makes sense that Fortran users should be able to run all the Fortran
tutorials independently.
"Marty Stanquist" wrote in message news:jnnmks$ac5$***
The linkmap file lists these variables as being resolved by
library C:\Watcom/lib386/nt\plbx3r.lib. This is the linkmap generated with
the C++ source files having replaced the object files in the build. The
Fortran compiler has the "include default library info" flag set in the IDE.
I didn't see any references to either library, plbx3r or plib3r in the IDE
options. But I'll keep looking for a reference. You're right, something is
pulling these libraries into the build.
Module: C:\Watcom/lib386/nt\plbx3r.lib(FSHAND)
004049cc ___wcpp_4_fs_handler_
Module: C:\Watcom/lib386/nt\plbx3r.lib(iofefg.cpp)
00414330 __ppfltused_
Module: C:\Watcom/lib386/nt\plbx3r.lib(cppdata.cpp)
0041510c __compiled_under_NT
Module: C:\Watcom/lib386/nt\plbx3r.lib(fsregist.cpp)
0040575c ___wcpp_4_fs_handler_rtn_
Post by Marty StanquistI didn't have any trouble building Draw32.exe using the IDE on my Win7x64
PC. I copied the OW 1.9 samples directory to my local software development
directory C:\SwDev. Then opened project ide\win32.wpj in the IDE. I clicked
on the win32\button.lib window, then hit Make Target. Then clicked on the
win32\draw32.exe window, also hitting Make Target. Both targets built
win32\button.lib log file
cd C:\SwDev\OWSamples\ide\fortran
wmake -f C:\SwDev\OWSamples\ide\fortran\ -h -e
cd C:\SwDev\OWSamples\ide\fortran\win32
wfc386 ..\btnnt.for -incp=.. -exp -d2 -q -dep
%create button.lb1
Execution complete
file button.lb1
win32\draw32.exe log file
cd C:\SwDev\OWSamples\ide\fortran
wmake -f C:\SwDev\OWSamples\ide\fortran\ -h -e
cd C:\SwDev\OWSamples\ide\fortran\win32
wfc386 ..\drawnt.for -incp=.. -exp -d2 -q -dep
...\..\draw.rc -bt=nt -dWIN32 -d_WIN32 -d__NT__
-q -ad -r -fo=draw.res
wlib -q -n -b draw32.imp nt_3d.dll
Execution complete
file draw32.lk1
FIL drawnt.obj,box.obj,drawroom.obj,furnitu.obj
LIBR button.lib
LIBR draw32.imp
RES draw.res
I reviewed the IDE option settings for both targets. They looked like
they were all set to defaults and no external libraries were referenced.
The executable generates a graphic of a kitchen filled with cabinets, a
and a table. Hope this helps.
Well, I just tried it again w/ the exception of just opening the
win32.wpj in the SAMPLES directory where it already resides. The log
for the button.lib looked the same but on trying to build draw32.exe the
log file is...
cd C:\OWATCOM\samples\ide\fortran
wmake -f C:\OWATCOM\samples\ide\fortran\ -h -e
cd C:\OWATCOM\samples\ide\fortran\win32
wlib -q -n -b draw32.imp nt_3d.dll
wlink name draw32 d all sys nt_win op m op maxe=25 op q op symf @draw32.lk1
Error! E2028: ___wcpp_4_fs_handler_ is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: __ppfltused_ is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: __compiled_under_NT is an undefined reference
file box.obj(C:\OW\ow_release\1.0\bld\viprdemo\src\box.cpp): undefined
symbol ___wcpp_4_fs
file drawroom.obj(C:\OW\ow_release\1.0\bld\viprdemo\src\drawroom.cpp):
undefined symbol __
file furnitu.obj(C:\OW\ow_release\1.0\bld\viprdemo\src\furnitu.cpp):
undefined symbol ___w
Error(E42): Last command making
(C:\OWATCOM\samples\ide\fortran\win32\draw32.exe) returned
Error(E02): Make execution terminated
Execution complete
The installation here doesn't resolve the above externals in the
PLIB3R.LIB automagically; where the missing reference is generated in
your case and not here is a mystery.
After the aforementioned fixing of that reference and relinking, then
the app runs as you describe.
What's the difference I've no clew...
Can you find any reference to the subject library anywhere? _SOMETHING_
had to generate the search....